Urządzenie do elektrostymulacji nerwu wzroku używane przy leczeniu jaskry.
To jest wyrób medyczny. Używaj go zgodnie z instrukcją używania lub etykietą.

Artykuły naukowe:
- Electrical neurostimulation in glaucoma with progressive vision loss
- Long-term follow-up of visual field loss after electrical optic nerve stimulation in normal tension glaucoma
- The role of electrical stimulation therapy in ophthalmic diseases
- Alternating Current Stimulation for Vision Restoration after Optic Nerve Damage: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Rebound or Entrainment? The Influence of Alternating Current Stimulation on Individual Alpha
- Whole-eye electrical stimulation therapy preserves visual function and structure in P23H-1 rats
- Original Article Transcorneal Electrical Stimulation Reduces Neurodegenerative Process in a Mouse Model of Glaucoma
- Neuroprotective Effect of Transcorneal Electrical Stimulation on the Acute Phase of Optic Nerve Injury
- Transcorneal Electrical Stimulation Rescues Axotomized Retinal Ganglion Cells by Activating Endogenous Retinal IGF-1 System
- Axonal Regeneration Induced by Repetitive Electrical Stimulation of Crushed Optic Nerve in Adult Rats
- Transcorneal electrical stimulation promotes survival of retinal ganglion cellsafteropticnervetransectioninratsaccompaniedby